Growing food & community


After working under the guidance of the Agricultural Advisory Commission in 2017, a core group of six individuals started the Hatfield Community Garden, which finished its first growing season in 2018. The garden is located on a four acre parcel on Billings Way on town-owned property. The garden takes up approximately one acre, with neighbor Harrison Bardwell of Bardwell Farm stewarding and growing on the remaining land.


Our fees for 2023*:

  • $20 for a 20’ by 20’ plot  

  • $15 for a 10’ by 20’ plot

  • Discount of $5 for seniors (65 and older) or SNAP recipients

Gardeners contribute three hours of community service per plot. This helps the garden function as a vibrant community resource.

*Note, we currently have a waiting list

Gardeners receive numerous benefits including:

  • A 20’ by 20’ plot, or a 20’ by 10’ half plot

  • Access to prime soil and town water

  • Shared tools, wheelbarrows, and watering cans

  • Low-cost access to finished compost at $2.50 per 5-gallon bucket & organically grown straw at $8 per bale

  • Limited complimentary organic seeds and plant starts

  • Free wood chip mulch


reserve your plot

Get all the details about what it means to be a community garden member and sign up today


This project has been generously supported in part by the citizens of Hatfield through the Hatfield Community Preservation Fund

The earth lies cold beneath my feet.
The sun is low, I feel no heat.
The bitter cold wind hits me like darts.
But thoughts of Spring planting warm my heart.

I sit inside, I plan my rows.
I picture in my mind where each plant goes.
I look forward to tending to my plot again,
Meeting new people, seeing old friends.

The garden is a happy place, a place of joy and peace.
A place to renew our spirits, and give life a new lease.
But for now, I am content to dream and imagine
Can’t wait to be back in the garden again.
— Anonymous Bob Osley, Hatfield Community Gardener